“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure out where you’re going to sell it.”
Steve Jobs
Apple Inc.
We deliver custom AI customer solutions
Complaints & Reviews Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
Orders & Returns Analysis
Recommendation Engine
Virtual Assistant & Chatbot
Customer Service
Possible business AI use cases for customer care
Providing competent and readily available customer service is crucial, and AI can assist in automating customer advice while supporting agents with relevant insights and recommendations, fostering stronger customer loyalty.
Analyse customer feedback (complaints & reviews)
How does it work?
- Use NLP sentiment analysis to analyze and summarize customer feedback in complaints and product reviews
What is the result/benefit?
- Identify common themes and problems
- Respond more quickly and specifically to the most serious issues
Analyse customer’s orders and returns
How does it work?
- Predict whether the purchase is suitable for the customer based on the data available about the customer and the items he has ordered and returned
- Potentially warn the user about the wrong size or type of item
What is the result/benefit?
- Lower your return rates
- Heighten your customer’s satisfaction
Virtual assistant for customer consulting (Chatbot)
How does it work?
- Build an intelligent chatbot to support clients and answer their questions
What is the result/benefit?
- Accelerate the customer service process
- Automate the simplest everyday tasks – create more satisfaction on the part of the customer service representatives
Support service agent with AI-based decisions
How does it work?
- Based on historical data, customer profiles, current conditions, and circumstances, create optimal recommendations for your customers
What is the result/benefit?
- Increase your conversion rate
- Decrease your churn rate
- Dynamically create better offers for your customers than your competitors can and improve your market position
Sentiment & emotion analysis
How does it work?
- Detect sentiment in messages posted on social media, for example
- Get notified when negative sentiment occurs
What is the result/benefit?
- Identify marketing opportunities
- Respond quickly and efficiently to crises
Co-Founders Raquel Silva & Andreas Anding
How does this work?
When you decide on Unleash the Dragon AI-driven customer care solutions, you decide on digital solutions designed to exceed your customer expectations and increase loyalty.
We first analyze your current customer journey and identify improvement areas. Then, using data-driven insights, your dedicated team will craft personalized strategies and work with you to implement specific AI solutions that deliver outstanding service or can support your service agents with AI-based recommendations and sentiment analysis, enabling them to respond quickly and efficiently to customer wants and needs, with minimal disruption to your operations.
Don’t let poor customer experiences block your business growth – delight your customers!
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
By analyzing customer feedback and sentiment, AI can identify trends and preferences that inform marketing strategies and help you capitalize on opportunities.
Results can vary depending on the solution, but you can generally expect improvements in customer satisfaction and support efficiency within weeks or months of implementation.
Yes, our AI-driven customer care solutions can be developed to support multiple languages, providing comprehensive support for your global customer base.
By analyzing customer data and predicting eligible purchases, our AI solutions can proactively warn users about potential issues with their orders, leading to lower return rates.
AI can provide agents with data-driven recommendations and insights based on historical data, customer profiles, and current conditions, enabling them to make better decisions and offer personalized support.
By using sentiment and emotion analysis, AI can quickly identify negative sentiment, allowing your team to respond more efficiently to customer concerns and manage potential crises.
Success can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs), such as reduced response times, increased customer satisfaction, and lower return rates.
Yes, our custom AI solutions can be designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing customer support tools and processes.
Yes, our custom AI solutions are designed to be scalable and adaptable, allowing you to accommodate the changing needs of your business and customer base as you grow.
We prioritize data privacy and security by following industry best practices, implementing strict access controls, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.